Sunday, November 21, 2010


This is a late update on the first day of the 3 day fast I'm pulling now, at the beginning of Thanksgiving break.

There's no particular reason I'm fasting, other than that I think it's just a really good idea - I want to just pray a lot.

I realized today, however, it's pretty easy to fast and not end up praying at all. I did end up spending a good amount of time in prayer, and I was very glad to do it; but I also realized how quickly I might've just gone to bed or kept playing video games instead of that. Prayer is the engine, and prayer is the point.

Secondly, something I've been meditating on is that we were never instructed to defeat sin in our lives. God didn't tell us to win the battle, he just told us to be a part of it. That victory is Christ's alone. But, we were instructed to fight, to keep fighting, and to never stop fighting. Because though we might not, the gracious grace of Christ in us can defeat the devil: John Piper writes, "The devil is conquered wherever his design to devour faith is defeated. That defeat is by the cross of Christ and the Word of God." We ought never give up, because Christ's victory is already won for us - we only need to fight for it in our hearts. We have no need to give up. My prayer once more is that I will not stop fighting. Never stop fighting.

Lastly I just want to recall that though I may be hungry, tired, and sore (for whatever reason) right now, Jesus is worth all of it. I urge this as a reminder to myself and whomever might be reading this, that spiritual growth is not your goal. Success in ministry and success in life is not your goal. Knowledge - a big one for me - is not the goal. JESUS is the goal, the end, the purpose and the destination. He is all-encompassing, all-satisfying, and all-consuming. I want to see you, Lord.

May the Lord Christ shine his face upon you, and be gracious unto you. May he raise his countenance upon you; and give you peace. The LORD bless you and keep you.

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